Is Your Mindset Holding You Back?

hat is the connection between mindset work and making life changes or achieving our goals?

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford 

Sometimes we are struck with a great idea for positive change in our life, a vision for a goal or another type of personal achievement.  There can be a desire to make a shift or change in some area of our life, but it always seems just out of reach.  Why do some people seem to achieve their goals while others seem to stall out or scrap their plan entirely?  Even if we have an easy goal or simple change we truly desire; a crappy (totally a clinical word) mindset will lead us to failure not success.

If this is the case, we need to start talking about mindset.

Often, it is our conscious thoughts and unconscious beliefs that impact the outcomes in our lives.  Those thoughts and beliefs come in all shapes and sizes from self-limiting beliefs to negative self-talk to self-affirming thoughts and empowering beliefs.  The negative and limiting ones tends to be deeply rooted and tends to hold us back from achieving our goals and stepping into our greatness.  (yep, I already think you are pretty great)



1. Increase our awareness of limiting beliefs and negative self-talk

     “Be mindful of your self-talk. It’s a conversation with the universe.” – David James

  • We need to be aware of the negative messages we say to ourselves or what we erroneously believe as these can be re-creating negative patterns. We have to do a little investigative work at seeking out the source/origin of the belief or self-talk.


2. Challenge the limiting belief and negative self-talk

     “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”- Napoleon Hill

  • The belief may have helped at one point in your life but it no longer serves you as productive or supportive. You will probably find that it may not even be realistic or rooted in truth.


3. Replace with a new positive affirmation or positive self-talk

     “To uncover your true potential, you must first find your own limits and then have to have the courage to blow past them” - Picabo Street

  • Create new empowering self-talk based on beliefs that are supportive of your true self and your desired direction for growth and change.


4. Visualize and repeat the new positive self-talk and empowering belief

    “The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something you can do it, as long as you really believe 100%” - Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • Practice, practice, practice.

  • Setbacks are okay…and as Da Coach (Mike Ditka, former Bears’ coach) said in his don’t-mince-words kind of way, “You’re never a loser until you quit trying”. Brush yourself off and try again when you catch yourself thinking or behaving according to those old beliefs and self-talk.


Mindset work may seem too dry or too clinical and possibly even too daunting, but the results can help you increase your sense of self-worth or self-esteem, can help you reach a goal, or usher in other positive changes in your life.


So, if there is a goal or change you are hoping to achieve---check out my self-paced and 1:1 program, Jump-Starting Change.  You will look at change in a new way.  Through the use of mindset work and vision boards; you will learn how to goal set, to release any blocks to change, and jump start change in any area of your life (relationships, career, health, finances, travel, self-growth, home–any area).

A mix of self-paced and 1:1’s not your thing?  Then schedule your personalized one-on-one session and get a jump-start on your change!


Have other questions?  Contact me at


It feels like Spring!


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