"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate;only love can do that."
In celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's vision of hope and healing for our country.

Why I love Reiki (and you should too!)
I received Reiki as a client and loved the experience. Then I received Reiki attunement and training; and I fell in love with Reiki….read more in my blog…

5 Important Relationship Questions You Need to Answer
As humans, we rely on our romantic relationships to provide us with some level of happiness. Having bad days is normal, but if your relationship is fraught with anxiety and tension then there might be a problem. If you find yourself feeling sad or angry more than you feel happy, then you need to do some evaluation.

Coping with Depression During the Holiday Season
During this time of year, radio and TV ads would have us believe we should all feel merry and bright. Sadly, that’s not always the case. According to the National Institute of Health, many people experience depression during the holiday season.

4 Reasons We Judge Others And How to Break That Habit
If you discover you have a tendency to judge others based on your own low self-esteem, it may help to speak with a therapist who can help you uncover the reasons behind it and offer coping strategies.

5 Quick Tips for Practicing Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the most positive and powerful habits we can add to our day. It can start as a practice just for us; but if done consistently, all the people in our lives will experience the benefits.

Are you ready to change your ending?
“You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.” C.S. Lewis

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?
Start seeing being highly sensitive as one of your superpowers.

Counseling helps us get “unstuck”
We all get stuck sometimes. Counseling helps us to get “unstuck”.